Track Ultra Heat Bowling Ball
Pre-Order Shipping 2-13-2018
The DR-6 Hybrid cover was specifically designed for this brand new Ultra Heat in mind. This cover creates minimal traction in the front half of the lane. This allows the core and cover to shine at the back end of the lane where everyone wants to see their ball hook.
The Modified Tri-Core is a throw back to the original core design found in the original Heat. We’ve matched the RG perfectly to the original while lowering the flare potential slightly to match up better with today’s stronger covers.
Coverstock: DR-6 Hybrid
Weight Block: Modified Tri-Core
Core Type: Symmetrical
Color: Orange/ Red/ Yellow
Factory Finish: 500/1000 ABRALON® Polished w/Powerhouse Factory Finish Polish
Reaction: Length with Strong Backend
Lane Condition: Medium Oil
Intermediate Diff. N/A
Weights: 12-16#
RG. Diff. Diff.
16# 2.51 0.033
15# 2.50 0.038
14# 2.49 0.045
13# 2.53 0.055
12# 2.60 0.039